Мета: - розвивати навички
групової роботи шляхом активізації
творчої думки учнів;
формувати вміння управляти стилем своєї поведінки через
прийняття її іншими людьми;
розвивати діалектику мислення, творчість мислення;
виховувати почуття взаємопідтримки.
Обладнання: дошка, малюнки
з зображенням (їжі та напоїв, спортивного обладнання, людей), підручник, постер.
we’ll work in groups. We like to work in this way. To our mind it makes
us friendlier and develops our creativity.
task was to choose the name of each group and its leader. Have you done it? Ok,
present yourselves.
we are divided into three groups: “Vitamins”, “Athletes” and “Smiles”. We’ll
have three tasks: completing a “Mind map”,
making a presentation and answering the questions of our opponents
through dialogue speaking.
first task for us is to complete one of three “Mind Maps”: Fruit and
Vegetables, Sports Equipment, Good Mood. So the leaders of the groups come here and choose the theme of your mind map (виходять лідери груп, обирають тематику та
зачитують її).
you can see different pictures which we can use for our mind maps. Choose the
most appropriable (лідери груп
обирають малюнки для своєї групи).
we have a minute to make our mind maps (учні
обмірковують в групах).
Now the time is over.
Let's present
our “Mind maps”.
- There is different food: spicy and fatty,
- Fresh, frozen, canned food, fast food and junk food.
- But we like fruit and vegetables.
- They are oranges and bananas. They are apples and carrots.
- They are juicy and full of vitamins.
- I need hamlet and skates.
- They need tracksuits and sneakers.
- You need goggles and fins.
- Because I’m a hockey player, they are the footballers, you are a swimmer.
- But we all are fond of sport.
- I like to smile to the sun.
- I like to look at happy faces.
- Be merry, kind and attractive.
- Respect your teachers, parents, friends.
- Look at each other and smile. And save this smile for the rest of the day.
Well done. All three groups
coped with the task perfectly well.
what should we do to be really healthy? What things make us really happy?
We’ve got a task in groups to prepare a presentation and answer these
questions. So the next task for us is to make a presentation of healthy
lifestyle. At the blackboard we can see the titles of presentations. They are
under the numbers 1, 2, 3: 1 - Healthy food, 2 - Sport and Exercises, 3 - Laugh
and Smile. Let's choose the topic we’ll speak about and
think about our motto and a short task after each presentation (учні обирають тему, яка їм більше подобається та
починають обговорення). There
are a few minutes in our disposal.
group 1 – you are welcome!
Презентація 1
групи “ Healthy food”
If you want to be healthy you must
eat healthy food which contains hydrocarbonates, fats and minerals. They are in
meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, oil, nuts, bread, sugar, cereals.
Don’t overeat – it’s very bad for
your health.
Keep to a balanced diet. It consists of
all the things you need to be healthy.
Don’t eat hot meals, don’t eat very
quickly and don’t speak while eating.
You must also eat a lot of vitamins
A, B, C. They are
in fruit and vegetables.
motto: Live not to eat, but eat to live.
Where is more vitamin C: in
cucumbers, carrots or tomatoes?
What is better for your health to
drink a glass of fresh juice or a glass of lemonade?
Is it useful to eat hot food?
Should we eat many sweets and cakes?
Hamburgers and chips are fast foods,
aren’t they?
Презентація 2
групи “ Sport and Exercises “.
now group 2 you are welcome!
We think to be healthy people should
go in for sport and do exercises regularly.
There are a lot of kinds of sport you
can go in for: swimming, running, skating, skiing, jogging and playing football
or basketball.
Sport helps people to keep fit, be
healthy and strong.
Choose a hobby connected with sport
and you’ll be safe and sound.
Do you like sport and exercises?
Let’s check. We’ll do some exercises.
motto: A healthy mind is in a healthy body.
( учень групи проводить
Презентація 3
групи “ Laugh and smile “
3 it’s time to present our presentation.
Do you know that 1 min of laughing is
as useful as 45 min of physical training lesson?
When you laugh, you breathe better,
your blood circulates better and
your brain gets more oxygen.
10 min of laughing helps to forget
about all pains for 2 hours.
A sincere smile helps to raise your
mood and the mood of surrounding you people.
Don’t forget to be kind and give your
love to everybody who needs it.
motto: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise.
we prepared some jokes for you.
(учні розповідають жарти)
for me, our presentations were very interesting and we worked very
consistently. We liked the presentations of all three groups.
thank you for your work. I think all three teams worked hard and got quiet high