вторник, 21 января 2014 г.

Групова робота в 7 класі на тему "Здоровий спосіб життя".

Мета: - розвивати навички групової роботи шляхом активізації  творчої думки учнів;
-         формувати вміння управляти стилем своєї поведінки через прийняття її іншими людьми;
-         розвивати діалектику мислення, творчість мислення;
-         виховувати почуття взаємопідтримки.
Обладнання: дошка, малюнки з зображенням (їжі та напоїв, спортивного обладнання, людей), підручник, постер.

Today we’ll work in groups. We like to work in this way. To our mind it makes us friendlier and develops our creativity. 
Our task was to choose the name of each group and its leader. Have you done it? Ok, present yourselves.
So, we are divided into three groups: “Vitamins”, “Athletes” and “Smiles”. We’ll have three tasks: completing a “Mind map”,   making a presentation and answering the questions of our opponents through dialogue speaking. 
The first task for us is to complete one of three “Mind Maps”: Fruit and Vegetables, Sports Equipment, Good Mood. So the leaders of the groups come here and choose the theme of your mind map (виходять лідери груп, обирають тематику та зачитують її).
Here you can see different pictures which we can use for our mind maps. Choose the most appropriable (лідери груп обирають малюнки для своєї групи).
Well we have a minute to make our mind maps (учні обмірковують в групах).
Now the time is over.
Let's present our “Mind maps”.   
  1. There is different food: spicy and fatty,
  2. Fresh, frozen, canned food, fast food and junk food.
  3. But we like fruit and vegetables.
  4. They are oranges and bananas. They are apples and carrots.
  5. They are juicy and full of vitamins.
  1. I need hamlet and skates.
  2. They need tracksuits and sneakers.
  3. You need goggles and fins.
  4. Because I’m a hockey player, they are the footballers, you are a swimmer.
  5. But we all are fond of sport.
  1. I like to smile to the sun.
  2. I like to look at happy faces.
  3. Be merry, kind and attractive.
  4. Respect your teachers, parents, friends.
  5. Look at each other and smile. And save this smile for the rest of the day.
Well done. All three groups coped with the task perfectly well.

But what should we do to be really healthy? What things make us really happy? We’ve got a task in groups to prepare a presentation and answer these questions. So the next task for us is to make a presentation of healthy lifestyle. At the blackboard we can see the titles of presentations. They are under the numbers 1, 2, 3: 1 - Healthy food, 2 - Sport and Exercises, 3 - Laugh and Smile. Let's choose the topic we’ll speak about and think about our motto and a short task after each presentation (учні обирають тему, яка їм більше подобається та починають обговорення). There are a few minutes in our disposal. 
So, group 1 – you are welcome!

Презентація 1 групи “ Healthy food”
·        If you want to be healthy you must eat healthy food which contains hydrocarbonates, fats and minerals. They are in meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter, oil, nuts, bread, sugar, cereals.
·        Don’t overeat – it’s very bad for your health.
·        Keep to a balanced diet. It consists of all the things you need to be healthy.
·        Don’t eat hot meals, don’t eat very quickly and don’t speak while eating.
·        You must also eat a lot of vitamins A, B, C. They are in fruit and vegetables.
Our motto: Live not to eat, but eat to live.
 Answer our questions:
1)    Where is more vitamin C: in cucumbers, carrots or tomatoes?
2)    What is better for your health to drink a glass of fresh juice or a glass of lemonade?
3)    Is it useful to eat hot food?
4)    Should we eat many sweets and cakes?
5)    Hamburgers and chips are fast foods, aren’t they?

Презентація 2 групи “ Sport and Exercises “.
And now group 2 you are welcome!
·        We think to be healthy people should go in for sport and do exercises regularly.
·        There are a lot of kinds of sport you can go in for: swimming, running, skating, skiing, jogging and playing football or basketball.
·        Sport helps people to keep fit, be healthy and strong.
·        Choose a hobby connected with sport and you’ll be safe and sound.
·        Do you like sport and exercises? Let’s check. We’ll do some exercises.
Our motto: A healthy mind is in a healthy body.
( учень групи проводить фізкультхвилинку)

Презентація 3 групи “ Laugh and smile
Group 3 it’s time to present our presentation.
·        Do you know that 1 min of laughing is as useful as 45 min of physical training lesson?
·        When you laugh, you breathe better, your blood circulates better and your brain gets more oxygen.
·        10 min of laughing helps to forget about all pains for 2 hours.
·        A sincere smile helps to raise your mood and the mood of surrounding you people.
·        Don’t forget to be kind and give your love to everybody who needs it.
Our motto: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 
And we prepared some jokes for you.
(учні розповідають жарти)

As for me, our presentations were very interesting and we worked very consistently. We liked the presentations of all three groups.
Ok, thank you for your work. I think all three teams worked hard and got quiet high results.

Узагальнення матеріалу з теми "Healthy Food".

Task “Do you know English proverbs well? “
Match the parts of the proverbs about health.
1.     Health is better                a)  is a good medicine
2.     An apple a day                b) than wealth
3.     A happy heart                 c)  keeps the doctors
4.     A healthy mind                d) is in a healthy body
     5. Early to bed, early            e) makes a man healthy, 
         to rise                                    wealthy and wise
(Учні усно виконують завдання)
Повторення граматичного матеріалу: 1) злічувані та незлічувані іменники;
2) неозначені числівники зі злі чуваними та незлічуваними іменниками.
Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some nouns. Divide them into two groups: countable and uncountable nouns (banana, meat, potato, fish, apple, chocolate, ice-cream, tea, cereal, toast, butter, cucumber, lemon, cheese, flour).
(Учні читають слова першої та другої колонок)
And now open your books on page 65 and revise some Grammar rules on our topic.
P1. Countable nouns have singular and plural forms.
P2. Countable nouns can follow definite or indefinite articles.
P3. Uncountable nouns don’t have a plural form.
P4. They can appear without an article.
P5. They cannot be used with indefinite article.
Well done and it’s time to revise such words as a lot of, much, many, little/ a little with countable and uncountable nouns. Let’s do Ex. 6 (p. 65).
(Учні читають речення вправи ланцюжком)
And one more task on the topic. You can see it on the blackboard. Complete this sentences with the words some, many, much, a lot of.
How___________ sandwiches are there on the plate?
I don’t like ___________ sugar in my tea as I don’t like sweet food.
We need __________ apples for this cake.
How ___________bottles of milk shall I buy?
Don’t buy cheese, we still have ______________ in the fridge.
I think you should add ______________ more pepper to the salad.
How ____________ cans of Cola shall we take to the picnic?
My mother usually cooks ______________ of pies with meat and cabbage.
We don’t need __________ meat for this dish.
How __________ bananas do we need for this desert?
(Учні читають речення вправи ланцюжком)
Now you’ll have a rest. We are going to play a game “Guess the word’.
1.     Food such as hamburgers, chips that people usually eat very quickly. (fast food)
2.     Food that is full of sugar and fat and is bad for you health. (junk food)
3.     A person who doesn’t eat meat. ( a vegetarian)
4.     It consists of all the things you need to be healthy and to have enough energy during the day. (a balanced diet)
5.     Products such as milk, sour cream, cheese, butter… (dairy products)
Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
Open your books on page 68, listen to the children talking about their eating habits and complete the table.
(Учні прослуховують запис та складають речення відповідно до таблички)
Now ask each other the questions you can see in the table.
(Учні кожної групи запитують учнів іншої групи)
Each group has got small cards. It’s the text you have just listened to but it has been cut into parts. Your task is to join all the sentences of the text. We’ll see which group will cope with this task quicker.
Розвиток діалогічного мовлення.
You had a task to prepare any dialogue on the topic for our lesson. Now you have an opportunity to present it. You are welcome.

At the restaurant
Ann: I think we should take chips and hot chocolate. I love them.
Dan: Don’t you think that your choice is a bit unhealthy? We should order a vegetable salad and fruit juice.
Ann:  I suppose so, but that seems boring. My Mum treats me to fruit and vegetables every day. I’d like to eat something tastier.
Dan: How about a “fruit split”? You don’t eat it every day, do you?
Ann: That’s OK. Oh, it’s very delicious!
At the dentist’s
Dentist: Hello!
Kate: Hello!
Dentist: What is the matter?
Kate: I`ve got an awful toothache. I used a hot water bottle, I took different tablets, but nothing could help me.
Dentist: Open your mouth, please. Show me your teeth. Oh, your teeth are so bad. Do you eat many sweets and cakes?
Kate: Oh, yes, I do.
Dentist: How often do you eat them?
Kate: Every day for breakfast, dinner and supper.
Dentist: You should eat fruit instead of sweets and cakes. And eat dairy foods to improve the condition of your teeth and bones. You must brush your teeth more than three times a day. And you must visit the dentist twice a year. But now I`ll extract some of your teeth. They are too bad.
Kate: Oh! My God!

Розвиток навичок читання
I think all of you’ve heard such phrases as “a balanced diet or to keep to a balanced diet”. We are going to read an article “We are what we eat” and get new knowledge about a balanced diet. After reading you’ll have to complete the sentences so be very attentive while reading.
Now open your books on page 64 and do exercises 3 and 4.
(Учні читають текст ланцюжком та доповнюють речення)

3.     Заключна частина уроку.
Do you remember about our plate full of different fruit and vegetables? We need them to cook our Health Cocktail. But first you must answer my questions. If you agree – clap your hands, disagree – stamp your feet. Ready?
1.     Is it useful to eat junk food or fast food?              
2.     Do dairy products strengthen your teeth and bones?
3.     Should you eat fresh foods every day?
4.     Is it good to eat very quickly?
5.     Should we eat many sweets and cakes?
6.     Hamburgers and chips are fast foods, aren’t they?
7.     Should we go in for sport to be healthy?
Good for you. Here is the plate and you can take any fruit you like.

            Релаксаційна пауза. Relaxation. ( на фоні музики )
Take your favorite fruit and we’ll make the Health Cocktail.              
·        Take a glass of crystal water with sunrays and fresh air.
·        Put your favorite fruit rich in vitamins.
·        Mix it energetically.
·        Sprinkle with humour.
·        Drink slowly to feel the taste of it.
·        Feel how you become healthy, clever, strong, kind and happy. Be healthy!

Домашнє завдання. Home task. Write the rules of healthy lifestyle.
Рефлексія. Feedback.
1.     Clap your hands if you liked our revision and understood everything and got 10, 11, 12.
2.     Scratch your head if you didn’t understand some things and got 7, 8, 9.
3.     Stamp your feet if you didn’t like the revision and didn’t understand anything and got 3, 4, 5.
I wish you to be healthy! Thank you for your work. 

Використаний матеріал: Підручник А. Несвіт "We learn English 7", дошка, магнітофон, картки. 

Eating Habits

 "Health is above wealth", the proverb says. When we are healthy we are strong, active and full of energy.
Our body needs six things to be healthy: carbohydrates, fats, fibre, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Carbohydrates give us energy. Fats give us energy and help to keep warm. Fibre is very important for our body to work well. Our bodies also need about twenty different minerals. Proteins help us grow. Vitamins help to keep us healthy. It's important that our food has all the things.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are good because they have many vitamins in them.          


We try to take the right approach to food. We don't think about foods as "bad" or "good". It's more important to eat a wide variety of food and include plenty of fruit, vegetables, grains and lean proteins into our daily menu.


We avoid eating junk food.
We also check our fluids. Sometimes we may think we're hungry when our body actually needs more liquid. We try to avoid fizzy drinks, instead  - drink plenty of water.



We always watch our portions. What is serving size, and does it really matter? Absolutely. We pay attention to how much food we are eating and stop when we start to feel full.



And, of course, we go in for sport (like walking, jogging, swimming, or working out at the gym). Both exercises and health foods will help fuel both our body and our mind.